Thursday, January 18, 2018

Sketches from Portrait Sessions

My colleague Valentin, introduced me to this weekly potrait sessions at  a cafe in Berlin.
Its a wonderful atmosphere there, with lovely bunch of  people who drop in at 11 am every Sunday and we all write our names on small pieces of paper and someone picks a first name and they pose for 10 mins, after that they get to choose the next one. Fun session in general. I am terrible at portraits and I realised I can manage side views, but I really have to work on drawing faces  in various  angles. 
Here are some better ones from the sessions so far, I rather not show the abominations I did. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

I just dont want to run anymore

yes, its freaking cold outside and my fingers are the first to get frozen. But also I like to run. what to do !