Tuesday, December 26, 2017

From the deep

comes the magical sea dragons. I saw these gorgeous creatures recently in the phenomenal documentray  Blue Planet 2 and thought of making a card for an illlustrator friend of mine. So here it is. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Lately I have been using Mischief. I love the simplicity of it, especially for quick sketches. 
This is a memory sketch of a gentleman i saw on the way to work.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

People sketching - 01

I found some really cool people sketching tutorials from my favourite and terrific illustrator Brandon Green - https://youtu.be/IuuD9mJ8Gz0

I did a sketch of one guy  from Iamchicago.net after watching the tutorial, although i got carried away in details when doing the coloring bit. But I will do few more where I will try to explore more on design part. 
For now here is the finished sketch. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

More from the vault

I realized, since this will be my main place where i will post all my drawings and paintings, I would keep everything here. Hence I am gonna post some really old stuff too. Bear with the me please :) 

so this one is two robot concepts I did for a short film we wanted to create in our studio - CineChromatix, back in 2014. The designs were approved from couple of options and then my colleague who is an incredible modeler, realized them in 3d. sadly we never got time to do our short film. I also did few storyboards for that, we thought of a live action/vfx based film. 

This one is concept of  drone for a TV series called Tartort kalstart, you hardly see the drone in the shots as its a night shot, out in the dark, all one sees is laser beam from one of the drones. But hey I got to design and model and animate a drone :)   

and here is the turntable of the model - https://vimeo.com/236828561

Now these are even more older stuff, practice paintings from photographs.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Some Old Stuff

I haven't done much drawing/painting recently. But I found some old stuff while copying data to my hard drive. These are mostly greeting cards done at work and for friends whom i work with. 

      This was for company Christmas dinner couple of years ago.
This was last year's Christmas card for my company, we wanted to have 'Nightmare before Christmas' look. I designed the characters in the center, long time ago when we wanted to make a short film of our own. We didn't manage to get time, so we end up usually using them as our mascots. I also made some storyboards for the short, which i will upload may be in other post.  

The last two were cards for friends - one who smokes a lot and the other who is a big fan of Darth vader.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Colored version

I decided to color one of the sketches from India. I used a different skin tone palette, more of a Caucasian this time. just to see how it works out.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Head Practice

A couple of heads from imagination.

More airport sketches

Some faces of India from Bangalore airport. Honestly, the real variety of people can be found in rural India and its just absolutely fascinating. So many faces, so many personalities - simply incredible.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Schoolism Assignments

Schoolism is an outstanding online art school. I have no words to thank Bobby Chiu and everyone involved in it, for making quality education affordable and available to everyone. I have been taking the superb course by Sam Neilson - Fundamentals of Lighting. He is  an incredible teacher and his lessons are so well laid out and informative. I have learned a lot, in just few classes. These are from his assignments on painting fur and  skin. I tried my best to get the look and feel, But I guess there is a lot to improve. One day I will take a critiqued course for sure, where I can get direct feedback on my submissions directly from the master. 

Airport sketches

I was travelling home for few weeks of vacation in what could be the toughest time of the year. Temperatures in my city soars to 40 degs and beyond in summers. And that stays constantly for two months. I had a wishful thinking of going out during the day and sketch some magnificent historical places. But that seemed literally impossible. So i guess I will postpone my sketch trip, when its much more manageable. 
For now, I just have few sketches of people from the airports. I wonder why I didn't sketch more. But I also sketched some people when i went to see my gran who was being treated in a hospital in her hometown. I couldn't concentrate much as it was tense times for our family then. And that's why just a few pages.

P.S: No no .. Mumbai airport doesn't have such strange creatures, that was from a little toy I saw long time ago.


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Sketches from Youtube

I am a fan of folk music and youtube is a treasure trove for that. I stumbled upon an folk singer from Kutch called Muralala Marwada. His voice is so soothing, I could listen to his songs for hours together.  I did a sketch of him, but thats for another day, this one is  from one of the bhajans called Vari jaun re, its an amzingly wonderful song. i sketched few people who were part of his band while watching the song and caricatured them later. Here's a couple

Sketches from Last Summer

These are some sketches I did over the last summer. I wish i did a lot more of them. 
There's also one from last Autumn, it was so cold by the end of the painting i couldn't feel my hands anymore. 

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Master Study - Norman Rockwell

I found some of practice sketches yesterday while cleaning up my desk and in that i found this study of Master artist Norman Rockwell's Gossip Faces. I remember while doing that I made a note to self 'I need to work on proportions, this is something that always troubles me'. i still haven't learned.. pff

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Once upon a time in Berlin

I went to the city aquarium, one of the best in the world. I must say they have an amazing variety of fish there. Its a pity that some of them are so huge and their tanks are so small. I am always left with  a sad feeling in the end, that they are caged for the rest of their life. I hope one day they can all break free and head back to their homelands unhurt and safe. And their leader would be  none other than the queen of the mudskippers - HRH Empress Olga. Never underestimate the size. 

Monday, April 3, 2017

Plen air sketch 2

The second weekend with a sunny sun in March, pretty nice start.
This time i wanted to sketch something from the schloss park which is close to my place.I kind of wandered around the park, although i knew few places inside which i thought of sketching. But today there were quite a lot of people and I wasn't sure somehow.I eventually settled beside this path along the river. The sun was shimmering through the leaves at a very low angle. I thought i could paint exactly as i see, but then i ended up with this. Still not there with colour mixing and prespective. But this is what i plan to improve over this summer. 

Spring is here, so is plenn air

So it has finally arrived,  the wait for clear blue skies felt like ages somehow. This winter was a bit hard to survive. 4 months of non stop grey skies can hardly cheerful. But as the clouds cleared and the sun came out, I couldn't stop my self to go out and start sketching.This year i have told myself to sketch atleast once every weekend. so here comes the first one.Its part of the Kraftwerk  Charlottenberg  complex.( Charlottenberg Powerstation).

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Master study

since it is cold and grey most of the time here in Berlin and most of the time too cold for me to go out and paint, I decided to start doing master studies. Here is my abomination of Robert Henri's painting  'Dutch girl in white' from 1907

బెర్లిన్ చలి భరించలేని చలి.. మరి హైదరాబాదు నుంచి వచ్చినోడికి చలేయ్యక  వేడిగా ఉంటుందా, వెటకారం కాకపోతే!  సర్లే ఈ చలి లో  బయటకి ఎం బొమ్మలు వేస్తాను,అందుకే ఎంచక్కా ఇంట్లో కూచుని హీటర్ వేడిలో  మాస్టర్ స్టడీ చేద్దామని, ఈ వికారమైన painting స్టడీ చేశాను, అసలు పెయింటింగ్  కింద ఉంది, రాబర్ట్ హెన్రి అని ఒక మహానుభావుడు 1907లో వేసాడు. 

 The original  painting from Rober Henri

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

FIlm Study - Planet Earth 2

ఫిల్మ్ స్టడీ గురించి చాలా మంది ఆర్టిస్టులు  చెప్పగా విన్నాను. నేను కూడా ఒకసారి ట్రై చేద్దామనుకున్నాను, ఒక బ్రహ్మాండమైన  నేచర్  డాక్యుమెంటరీ - ప్లానెట్ ఎర్త్ 2 చూస్తునప్పుడు కిక్కు వచ్చింది. అందులో  2వ భాగంలో మంచు పర్వతాలలో నివసించే  గోల్డెన్ ఈగల్ ( డేగ) గురించి ఎన్నడు చూడని విధంగా చిత్రించారు. అధ్బుతం అనుకోండి,  తప్పకుండా చూడండి.
ఆ భాగం లో ఒక ఫ్రేమ్.

I read posts by many artists about the advantages of film studies. I wanted to try that too, and felt a little tickle for that while watching the phenomenal series Planet Earth 2.  This is a frame from 2nd episode about Mountains.  

Monday, February 6, 2017

మొదటి టపా - First Post

 ఎప్పటినుంచో అనుకుంటున్నా ఒక బ్లాగు మొదలుపెడితే  బాగుంటుంది అని. ఇన్నాళ్ళకి  ధైర్యం  వచ్చింది. ఈ బ్లాగు నా బొమ్మలకి, నేను ఈ ఆర్ట్ ప్రపంచంలో   చూసే , నేర్చుకునే  విషయాలకి ఒక వేదికగా నిలుస్తుంది అని అనుకుంటున్నాను. ముందుగా మీ కోసం నేను  మొన్న శనివారం గీసిన ఈ పెయింటింగ్. క్రిస్మస్ సెలవుల్లో  ఈ బోన్సాయ్ మొక్క కొన్నాను, దీని పేరు జర్మన్లో  "గ్లుక్స్ బవుము", ఆంటే  ఆనంద వృక్షం. 

I have been thinking for a while to start a blog, finally found courage for it. I hope this blog remains as a place to post and look at my journey about everything i see and learn. To begin with I will start with a painting I did this saturday. Its a bonsai I bought around christmas holidays, Its called 'Glücksbaum' , a happiness tree.